Monday, 30 August 2021

iPerf3 - Test Network Bandwidth

 On the server: iperf3 –s 

 On the client: iperf3.exe -c

Saturday, 20 March 2021

DDWRT Ralink Based Router Asus RT-N10+ Client Bridge

 Client Bridge Mode is not available on RT-N10+ C1 router. 

Workaround: Setup the router as Repeater Bridge. However, the SSID will be rebroadcast. No disable the new ssid, go to Administrator > Command. Save this command as startup:

ifconfig ra0 down
ifconfig apcli0 down
rmmod rt2860v2_ap
# correct region and country code info
perl -i -pe 's{(CountryRegion=)\s*\d+}{${1}0};s{(CountryCode=).*$}{${1}US};' /tmp/RT2860.dat
insmod rt2860v2_ap
ifconfig ra0 up
ifconfig apcli0 up
brctl addif br0 apcli0
sleep 1
ifconfig ra0 down #disable wireless AP connections!

Friday, 5 March 2021

Create Dummy File Windows 10 & Shredder8

 cmd into c:/windows/system32

fsutil file createnew c:/dummyfile.txt 1048000000

Shredder8 from Microsoft Store