The motor focuser is used to control the focusing knob of the Celestron C6 SCT. The controller board is Arduino Nano and the stepper motors is the 5V or 12V versions of 28BYJ48. It seems that the 12V version is using much less current as compared to the 5V version when supplied with 12V. It also should generate less heat.
Current Measurement
Arduino Nano and Driver Board : 40 mA
28BYJ48-5V supplied with 12V (inc arduino nano and driver board)
Max. speed (Delay@750µs) : 380 mA
Min. speed (16000µs) : 510 mA
28BYJ48-12V supplied with 12V (inc arduino nano and driver board)
Max. speed (900µs) : 150 mA
Min speed (>10000µs) : 180 mA
The delay in microsecond as shown in the parentheses refers to the delay when changing the step of the stepper motor. The shorter the delay, the faster the motor will spin. From stall, the maximum stepping rate for the two motors are different and it is faster in the 5V version as shown above. Once the motor is running, the delay can be reduced slightly to achieve faster spinning. As for the 12V version, ~17RPM is achieved with 850µs delay and ~19RPM with 750µs delay.