Monday, 31 October 2011

Chrome browser default PDF viewer replacement

  1. In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://plugins
  2. Disable Chrome PDF Viewer.
  3. Enable the Adobe Acrobat/ Adobe Reader plugin.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Matlab: Annotation or text on graph and Find index

Hor_Cross_power = (XP{Loop(2)}((find(YP{Loop(2)}>0.05,1)))+XP{Loop(2)}((find(YP{Loop(2)}<0.05,1,'last'))))/2;
Hor_Cross_prob = (YP{Loop(2)}((find(YP{Loop(2)}>0.05,1)))+YP{Loop(2)}((find(YP{Loop(2)}<0.05,1,'last'))))/2;

text(Hor_Cross_power, Hor_Cross_prob, strcat(num2str(Hor_Cross_power,4),'dB','\rightarrow\bullet'),'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Fat32 formatter in Win7


run CMD.exe
go into the folder wuth Fat32format.exe
type fat32format X:
where 'X' is the partition to be formatted.