Tuesday, 15 September 2009

DLink DSL-520B Bridge Mode/Modem Only - Streamyx

On the DLink 520B, the important steps were:

1. Choose Connection Type to be Bridging;

2. Encapsulation Mode to be set as VC/MUX; (this is the part that gave me the most trouble. The default setting for Encapsulation in Bridged mode was LLC/Snap-Bridging. );

3. All of the other crap such as Firewall, QOS, etc are turned off. And no, the Streamyx username/password is not set in the modem.

Source: http://numerik.wordpress.com/tag/streamyx/

Friday, 11 September 2009

Converting PDF to LIT for Microsoft Reader

Step 0: Some PDF ebooks have header and page number. Remove these by cropping the pages and print to a new file
Step 1: Convert PDF to RTF using 'Some PDF to Word Converter 1.5', with default setting. Converted text will be in text box form. Sometimes the converted files need manual formatting; ie replace four spaces with Line Break.
Step 2: Save the RTF as TXT file using Ms Word.
Step 3: Adjust text font and size of the TXT in Notepad if needed.
Step 4: Convert TXT to LIT using Overdrive ReaderWorks. Change the Title Properties accordingly.

UPDATE 27/10/09:
1. PDF files can be directly converted to text using Some PDF to Txt Converter
2. Download Overdrive Readerworks Standard for free here